Monday, August 27, 2007


Well Im sitting here on good ole' MYSPACE and I find myself laughing so so hard @ the people I went to High School with. They literally live their lives the same exact way they did when we were in school. Some are working, NONE live on their own, some are still dating the same person, and others are just.. well.. hoeing around. I guess someone from school made a "fake" myspace account and just BLASTED! on some of the girls. Now everyone is posting bulletins like.. telling this guy off [yea a GUY made a fake page and started talking trash bout' how slutty and nasty all these girls are, well... A. he's gay and B. all the girls he has on his page from school are people who were his CLOSE FRIENDS] so everyones freaking out and trying to FIND him ha ha like what? you're gonna FIND HIM and then....... beat him up? ha ha it just made my morning that much more amusing.

The babies are asleep. thank goodness. I am unbelievably hungry. I am exhausted. and I am so tired of this whole "bed rest" thing, I know it's for a GOOD CAUSE [hello! ha ha gotta bake the twins a litttttle more] but golly! I feel like all I do is lay around and eat, sleep and watch LAME daytime tv ha ha like PEOPLES COURT, THE VIEW, THE PRICE IS RIGHT, OPRAH AND DR. PHIL. ha go me! Today is the 27th making TOMORROW!!!! the 28th! Meaning.. [hopefully] One Month from tomorrow we will be going in to have my C- Section to have our little Princes. Gosh! it's all so exciting yet so nerve racking at the same time. Im not scared [yet] but the anxiety is getting pretty intense. Luckily, I have plenty to keep me busy UP UNTIL the 28th so Im not too too worried.

Well I am off to eat and then lay down. I shall return!

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